
How we ensure our practitioners are bona fide... uses its secure algorithmic onboarding system to ensure that specific healthcare professionals meet the requirements you would expect from a licensed professional. Documents that we check include:

  • DBS - criminal records check.
  • Drivers License
  • GPhC registration - fitness to practice database.

This is performed using our intelligent "HubNet Gateway" system as illustrated below.


QMS Gateway


The healthcare professional enters our "quarantine" gateway, once the documents are submitted the verified they can access our core functionality. Once inside the catergorised each healthcare class, via a clinical hierarchy system called the Team Builder.


Team Builder

Once within the structure, the user is then granted special access to specific digital tools which ensure that the user is compliant to Best Practice.

If you would like more information about this process please contact us.


Hubnet is an online pharmacy information system. We intend to provide healthcare professionals with an online ecosystem to allow for better communication between each other and their patients. Protected by law, the data you enter into this site remains your intellectual property and cannot be used by us. Our goal is to enable you to do more, if you like it you can subscribe for more!

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